
Concert-meeting around the organ

Cycle [les clés du classique]


Lucile Dollat Cavaillé-Coll organ

The organ of the Royaumont Abbey is a true “historical monument”, recognized as such by the Ministry of Culture. With its 2,573 gleaming pipes and its shiny oak case, it dazzles as much by its appearance as by the range of sounds it can produce. The instrument was designed in 1864 by the greatest French organ builder, Aristide Cavaillé-Coll, for the villa of a rich industrialist on the shores of Lake Geneva. Bought by the pianist François Lang (brother-in-law of the creator of the Royaumont Foundation, Henry Goüin), it was installed in 1936 in the monks’ refectory and inaugurated the same year during a concert that prefigured the Festival to come. Since then, hundreds of young instrumentalists have been able to train on this exceptional instrument. Lucile Dollat, winner of the Foundation’s award, learned all the subtleties of her three keyboards and her innumerable stops during a training course given by Thomas Lacôte. At barely 25 years of age, she took over from this master and became, for three years, titular of the organ of the abbey. Don’t miss the first solo concert of his residency…

Works of Louis Vierne, Marcel Dupré…


Lucile Dollat

* 2020: Cori spezzati of yesterday and today: The Metabolas dir. Léo Warynski, Festival de Royaumont. 2021: Oratorios, Orchestre Régional de Normandie and Les Métaboles dir. Léo Warynski, Festival de Royaumont 2021: Organ and voice: French repertoire of the 19th and 20th centuries: participation with Léo Vermot-Desroches as laureates of the Royaumont Foundation, with Thomas Lacôte and Véronique Gens 2022: (organ) Sundays at Royaumont, Concert-meeting: nuggets for organ and voice, with Léo Vermot-Desroches

A graduate of the National Conservatory of Music and Dance in Paris in organ, improvisation and writing, Lucile regularly performs in concert as a soloist and in various formations: chamber music, orchestra, vocal music… With several prizes in international competitions, she is a laureate of the Royaumont Foundation. Lucile holds the Cavaillé-Coll organ in the Notre-Dame de la Gare church in Paris as well as the historic organ in the Notre-Dame des Vertus church in Aubervilliers and teaches keyboard harmonization at the CNSMDP.
In January 2022, she released her first organ CD entitled “Tiroirs Secrets” on the “Château de Versailles Spectacles” label.

* previous collaborations with Royaumont

Les Dimanches à Royaumont

Profitez de votre visite de Royaumont et de ses jardins ou de votre nuit à l’abbaye pour assister, le dimanche, sans supplément de prix, à des spectacles et des rencontres autour de la musique, de l’histoire, de l’architecture de la nature ou de la danse.

Evènements inclus dans le billet d’entrée au monument, dans la limite des places disponibles.
Réservation recommandée

All dates

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Practical information / Ticket office

By phone:
01 30 35 58 00

Réservations exclusivement sur Internet. La billetterie est à votre disposition du lundi au vendredi par téléphone, si vous rencontrez des difficultés avec les réservations en ligne

Tous les dimanches et les jours fériés, profitez des navettes au départ de la gare de Luzarches.

Assurant la liaison avec la gare de Luzarches (ligne H), les navettes permettent de rejoindre l'abbaye en 8 minutes, soit moins d'une heure de trajet depuis la gare du Nord.

La réservation des navettes se fait exclusivement sur internet :

  • Vous pouvez réserver jusqu'au jour de votre venue à 9h, sous réserve de disponibilité.
  • Le nombre de places étant limité, la réservation est recommandée.
  • Une participation de 2€ est demandée

In 2023, the Henry Goüin Committee will continue to support cultural awareness workshops for children and the activities of the François-Lang Music Library. The Henry Goüin Committee also participates in the support of the dissemination of the works created at Royaumont, and is committed to supporting the third year of the Consort’s residency. The Committee also supports the Foundation in the development of innovative projects: digital distribution, incubator…