
Show-meeting : Variability

Cycle [lumières sur la création]


Antoine Arbeit choreography
Eve Bouchelot, Constance Diard, Lucie Gemon interpretation
Gwenaël Prost scenography
Loan Tran and JöranAntoniw sound design, mixing
Florian Laze light
Estelle de Montalembert external view

Three women enter the stage. From their black clothes, arms and feet of a bright pallor escape. Their repeated movements quickly prove to be fascinating. Sliding from one gesture to the next, choreographer Antoine Arbeit, a familiar face at Royaumont Abbey, has conceived a dance that moves forward, towards the future. In the heart of a geometric and sound landscape, a secret ceremony takes place, a poetic ritual whose rules are as complex and serious as a child’s game. The dancers, all in the pleasure of crossing this everyday dance, take the spectator’s gaze in an ode to movement, communicating the pleasure of finding themselves, of being a group, of sharing a unique moment of freedom.


Antoine Arbeit

* 2017-2018: Prototype V training. 2019: Dialogues IV training. 2021 : in residence at Royaumont, young talent creation course. 2021: (choreography) Festival de Royaumont, The River, with Lucie Gemon and Gaspard Charon. 2021 : (choreography) Festival de Royaumont, Système, Quatuor chorégraphique ; Creation projects ” Système, Lakhesis and The River ” : Creation residency around Lakhesis from February 22 to February 28, 2021 ; Reprise of ” The River ” from August 20 to 22, 2021 (show for young audience, Festival)

Antoine Arbeit founded the company Ex novo in 2018, with which he created The river in 2019, Système in 2021 and Variability in 2022. He is a laureate of the Prototype and Dialogues programs of the Royaumont Foundation in 2017 and 2018, of the Création en Cours program of the Ateliers Médicis in 2019, of the Prix Jeunes Talents Côte d’Or – Création contemporaine in 2020, and of the Grande Scène – PSO national platform in 2021. Since 2021, he is a companion artist of L’atheneum, Cultural Center of the University of Burgundy. He is also a performer with choreographers Thomas Lebrun and Valeria Giuga.

Lucie Gemon

* 2017-2018: Prototype V training. 2021: (dance) Royaumont Festival, The River, with Gaspard CHARON and under the direction of Antoine Arbeit. 2021 : (dance) Festival de Royaumont, Système, Antoine ARBEIT’s choreographic quartet ; Creation projects ” Système, Lakhesis and The River ” : Creation residency around Lakhesis from February 22 to February 28, 2021, – Reprise of ” The River ” from August 20 to 22, 2021 (show for young audience, Festival ; Sunday August 22, 2021, Prototype V (2018)

Lucie trained at the Coline School from 2014 to 2016. She then works regularly for Thomas Lebrun, for whom she is a performer in the pieces Les fêtes d’Hébé and Dans ce monde, the Hallet Eghayan company, and participates in the projects of choreographers Efi Farmaki, Wendy Cornu and Antoine Arbeit that she meets at the Royaumont Abbey in 2018. She has been a performer for Ex novo projects since 2018, in the pieces The river, Système and Variability.

Eve Bouchelot

* 2019 : Prototype VI Winner. 2021 : Residence “Lakhésis” Antoine Arbeit. 2022: (dance) Festival de Royaumont, So Schnell, with Catherine Legrand

Ève has been a performer since 2018 for the company Alias – Guilherme Botelho(Normal. and Sideways Rain), Barbara Amar(A Bords Perdus and Flux), Thierry Micouin(Eighteen) and is taking part in the revival of So Schnell by Dominique Bagouet by Catherine Legrand. In 2019, she will participate in the Dialogues IV and Prototype VI training courses offered by the Royaumont Foundation. Among the choreographers of these editions, she meets Antoine Arbeit with whom she will work later, in the creations Variability and Les Géantes.

Constance Diard

* 2017- 2018 : Prototype V

Constance trained at the CNSMD of Paris from 2013 to 2018. She then took part in the Prototype V training, offered by the Royaumont Foundation, and met Max Fossati and Antoine Arbeit with whom she would continue to work thereafter. In 2020, Constance will be part of the creation of 3 Works for 12 by Alban Richard, followed by the revival of Vivace. She then created the Cognitive Overload collective with her partner Lucas Bassereau, with whom she created Big Bang in 2023. Constance is a performer for Ex novo in the creation Variability.

* previous collaborations with Royaumont

Les Dimanches à Royaumont

Profitez de votre visite de Royaumont et de ses jardins ou de votre nuit à l’abbaye pour assister, le dimanche, sans supplément de prix, à des spectacles et des rencontres autour de la musique, de l’histoire, de l’architecture de la nature ou de la danse.

Evènements inclus dans le billet d’entrée au monument, dans la limite des places disponibles.
Réservation recommandée

All dates

Sunday, July 7, 2023

Practical information / Ticket office

By phone:
01 30 35 58 00

Réservations exclusivement sur Internet. La billetterie est à votre disposition du lundi au vendredi par téléphone, si vous rencontrez des difficultés avec les réservations en ligne

Tous les dimanches et les jours fériés, profitez des navettes au départ de la gare de Luzarches.

Assurant la liaison avec la gare de Luzarches (ligne H), les navettes permettent de rejoindre l'abbaye en 8 minutes, soit moins d'une heure de trajet depuis la gare du Nord.

La réservation des navettes se fait exclusivement sur internet :

  • Vous pouvez réserver jusqu'au jour de votre venue à 9h, sous réserve de disponibilité.
  • Le nombre de places étant limité, la réservation est recommandée.
  • Une participation de 2€ est demandée

Coproductions: Fondation Royaumont, Le Dancing / CDCN de Dijon Bourgogne Franche-Comté, L’atheneum / Centre culturel de l’université de Bourgogne, Hors Limite(s) / La Friche Artistique de Besançon – Compagnie Nathalie Pernette
Hosted residencies: Théâtre de Vanves / Scène conventionnée d’intérêt national ” Art et Création ” pour la danse et les écritures contemporaines à travers les arts, Abbaye de Corbigny / Compagnie Les Alentours Rêveurs
With the support of the DRAC Bourgogne Franche-Comté as project support, of the Région Bourgogne Franche-Comté as support to emergence and support to artistic production, and of the ADAMI