Conference-meeting: treating yourself with the tannins in plants
Cycle [l’Homme & la nature]
Marc-André Selosse professor at the Natural History Museum
Anyone who loves good wine knows about tannins: these molecules, found in the seeds or skin of the grape, have the reputation of giving the drink of the gods much of its character. In fact, tannins are produced by all plants, which use them as a chemical defense against microbes and herbivores. Colored or odorous, they also allow plants to communicate with pollinating animals and, because they accumulate in the aging leaves, explain our colorful autumns.
Professor at the Natural History Museum and in several universities in France and abroad, Marc-André Sélosse has devoted a book – Tastes and colors of the world, a natural history of tannins, from ecology to health – to this family of molecules that he describes as the “toolbox” of plants. At Royaumont, he shows how it can also be useful to mankind, through medicines, spices or even drinks (not only wine).
Marc-André Sélosse
Marc-André Sélosse is a professor at the Natural History Museum and teaches at several universities in France and abroad. His research focuses on mutual benefit associations (symbiosis) and his teachings on plants, microbes, ecology and evolution. He is editor of international journals and of Espèces, a popular science journal. He is also very active in this field through conferences, videos, documentaries, articles or columns in the program “La terre au carré” of France Inter.
Les Dimanches à Royaumont
Profitez de votre visite de Royaumont et de ses jardins ou de votre nuit à l’abbaye pour assister, le dimanche, sans supplément de prix, à des spectacles et des rencontres autour de la musique, de l’histoire, de l’architecture de la nature ou de la danse.
Evènements inclus dans le billet d’entrée au monument, dans la limite des places disponibles.
Réservation recommandée
All dates
Sunday, June 11, 2023
Practical information / Ticket office
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Tous les dimanches et les jours fériés, profitez des navettes au départ de la gare de Luzarches.
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- Vous pouvez réserver jusqu'au jour de votre venue à 9h, sous réserve de disponibilité.
- Le nombre de places étant limité, la réservation est recommandée.
- Une participation de 2€ est demandée