
Conference-meeting: Trees & People

Cycle [l’Homme et la nature]


Mickaël Jézégou forestry technician

France is rich in remarkable, unusual, exotic or sacred trees. Based on the new theme of the medieval garden of Royaumont, ” Trees and Men “, the forestry technician and essayist Mickaël Jézégou proposes a time of reflection and exchange around these exceptional plants. Their presence in cemeteries, village squares, farmyards or landscaped parks is never random, but on the contrary expresses a link and a singular complicity with our humanity.
Why have these trees been preserved by several generations of men and women? What are the cultural drivers for allowing some plants to age rather than others? Through several stories of trees and men, this conference invites us to get closer to this extraordinary plant heritage, always a source of emotion.


Mickaël Jézégou

Mickaël Jézégou is a forestry technician with the Côtes-d’Armor departmental council. His job takes him close to the remarkable trees of Brittany. He is an ardent defender of this and organizes numerous conferences on this theme. He has already written two books on this theme: Des arbres remarquables en Côtes-d’Armor (2011) and Arbres remarquables en Bretagne (éd Biotope, 2015).

Les Dimanches à Royaumont

Profitez de votre visite de Royaumont et de ses jardins ou de votre nuit à l’abbaye pour assister, le dimanche, sans supplément de prix, à des spectacles et des rencontres autour de la musique, de l’histoire, de l’architecture de la nature ou de la danse.

Evènements inclus dans le billet d’entrée au monument, dans la limite des places disponibles.
Réservation recommandée

All dates

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Practical information / Ticket office

By phone:
01 30 35 58 00

Réservations exclusivement sur Internet. La billetterie est à votre disposition du lundi au vendredi par téléphone, si vous rencontrez des difficultés avec les réservations en ligne