
Encounter: in search of the missing abbey church



Aurelia Alligri archaeologist

What is hidden the ruins of the abbey church of Royaumont, knocked down in 1792 ? What were its exact dimensions? What was his floor covered with? Where were the altars and graves? The lack of archival documents concerning the disappeared building has demonstrated the importance of archaeological excavations to verify the presence (or absence) of historical traces in its basement.
From June 23 to July 12, 2021, three surveys have already been carried out by the Service départemental d’archéologie du Val d’Oise. They are completed by new excavations this spring. The first works have already proved the presence of medieval remains in the underground layers, with the discovery of the foundations of the ambulatory, the transept, and the aisles of the nave.
Armed with the results of her explorations, the archaeologist Aurélia Alligri demonstrates this Sunday morning the ingenuity and pragmatism of the builders of the time, while their heirs restore the south wall of the old abbey church.
A meeting not to be missed at a time when very ambitious projects are being drawn up for the development of the ruins…


Aurélia Alligri

* 2021: responsible for archaeological surveys at the site of the former abbey church of Royaumont, associated with the preparatory reflections for the project of acoustic restitution of the former abbey church.

Aurélia Alligri is a medieval archaeologist at the Service départemental d’archéologie du Val-d’Oise. A specialist in the early Middle Ages, she is particularly interested in the characterization of early medieval rural buildings, the archaeomagnetic dating of combustion structures, and the archaeology of gardens.

All dates

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Practical information / Ticket office

By phone:
01 30 35 58 00

Réservations exclusivement sur Internet. La billetterie est à votre disposition du lundi au vendredi par téléphone, si vous rencontrez des difficultés avec les réservations en ligne

Tous les dimanches et les jours fériés, profitez des navettes au départ de la gare de Luzarches.

Assurant la liaison avec la gare de Luzarches (ligne H), les navettes permettent de rejoindre l'abbaye en 8 minutes, soit moins d'une heure de trajet depuis la gare du Nord.

La réservation des navettes se fait exclusivement sur internet :

  • Vous pouvez réserver jusqu'au jour de votre venue à 9h, sous réserve de disponibilité.
  • Le nombre de places étant limité, la réservation est recommandée.
  • Une participation de 2€ est demandée