
Let’s sing and dance the Festival

Royaumont Festival: artists in the garden


Iris Thion choirmaster
Tom Grand Mourcel dance, choreography
Marie Ythier cello
Juliette Journaux piano

All of us can all be singers, at least for a moment. Such is the intimate conviction of the choirmaster Iris Thion. The young woman thus invites the public to penetrate the repertoire that will be given at the Royaumont Festival 2023.
From medieval songs to today’s scores, passing through French melodies and the Baroque era, she explains the history of music, explains the differences in genres and, from time to time, offers to share a verse or a chorus. This joyful singing lesson is introduced by a few dance steps by choreographer Tom Grand Mourcel, who will present a creation during the 2023 edition of the Royaumont Festival, and a few cello notes by Marie Ythier, artist in residence. It is the best introduction to the concerts and shows of the fall…


Tom Grand Mourcel

* 2022 : Choreographic Laboratory#2

Coming from the hip-hop culture, both musically and dance-wise, Tom Grand Mourcel joined the CNSMD of Lyon in 2012 in contemporary dance and graduated in 2016 with the DNSPD. He is then a performer for the company Ex Nihilo (In Paradise and Paradise Is Not Enough), the company Plan K (Homo Furens), the Fabrique Fastidieuse(Vendredi), the company la Vouivre(Arcadie), the company R14(M.A.D) and recently for the collective Bleu Printemps(900 days spent in the twenty century). In parallel to his activity as a performer, Tom Grand Mourcel creates with Véra Gorbatcheva the company Dikie Istorii. Co-founded the Hoods Flakes collective with Chandra Grangean, Lise Messina, Martin Malatray Ravit and the choreographic platform la Feat.

* previous collaborations with Royaumont

Iris Thion

* 2020: Masterclass in choral conducting with Léo Warynski and Louis Castelain. 2022: (head of heart) Sundays at Royaumont, Choral workshop: Singing the Festival, with Ninon Hannecart-Segal

Iris Thion-Poncet holds a Master’s degree in choral conducting from the Haute École de Musique. She has also studied conducting, writing and musicology and has sung with the Maîtrise de Radio France. An eclectic choral conductor, Iris is interested in both the great works of the repertoire and new forms of concerts, with a particular interest in multidisciplinarity and creation.
The diversity of his activities demonstrates an open and innovative outlook both as a performer and in his compositions and arrangements. Musical director of the Ensemble Entresilences, she divides her time between training courses, educational activities at the Opéra Comique, compositions and concerts in France and abroad.
Iris is a laureate of the Royaumont Foundation.

* previous collaborations with Royaumont

Les artistes au jardin

Les 3 et 4 juin 2023, la Fondation propose un premier week-end du Festival de Royaumont. C’est également l’occasion de célébrer les 50 ans de l’Association des amis de Royaumont et de profiter des Rendez-vous aux jardins organisés par le ministère de la Culture…

Tarif unique par journée : 10 € (excepté pour la sieste sonore). Gratuité accordée aux Amis de Royaumont. Sur réservation, dans la limite des places disponibles.

All dates

Saturday, June 3, 2023

Practical information / Ticket office

By phone:
01 30 35 58 00

Single rate per day: 10 €.
Free of charge to the Friends of Royaumont.
By reservation, within the limits of available places.


Réservations exclusivement sur Internet. La billetterie est à votre disposition du lundi au vendredi par téléphone, si vous rencontrez des difficultés avec les réservations en ligne

With the support of CENTQUATRE-PARIS