
Picnic music

Cycle [en famille]


Daphne Souvatzi soprano
François Aria guitar
Artyom Minasyan duduk

Few instruments invite you to travel as much as the duduk, a frail Armenian oboe, carries the wind of the Caucasus summits and the warmth of the Mediterranean ports. Its very soft sound, of a moving gravity, combines perfectly with the timbre of the mezzo-soprano Daphne Souvatzi and the nomadic guitar of François Aria. Together with the duduk player Artyom Minasyan, these two musicians form more than a trio: a melodic triangle that moves slowly on the world map, between Andalusia, where the guitarist has studied flamenco for a long time, Greece, where the soprano comes from, and Armenia. On the way, they fly over France, Italy and Turkey.
The Royaumont audience is invited to accompany them on two occasions.
First, from 1:00 pm, during a big picnic on the lawns of the abbey, for which they will create the soundtrack. Then, from 3:30 pm, for a concert in the form of an odyssey.
Bring a tablecloth, a sunny vegetable cake or a lemon and mint tabbouleh but, above all, don’t forget your compass…


Daphné Souvatzi

Daphne Souvatzi, mezzo-soprano, trained at the C.R.R. in Paris and obtained a degree in Musicology at the Sorbonne University. Of Greek origin and having lived in a multicultural environment, she is multilingual. Twice laureate of the Royaumont Foundation(Le Roman de Fauvel, B. Bagby, and the Academy of Transcultural Music, C. Zekri), she performs at numerous festivals at the crossroads of classical and traditional music. In 2022, she sings with a mandolin orchestra the Christmas of the Orient by A. Markeas (dir. F. Calvo). In 2023, she will be the prince in Massenet’s Cinderella .

François Aria

François Aria started playing electric guitar at a very young age, but it was at the age of 18 that he discovered flamenco and decided to devote himself to it body and soul. Numerous trips to southern Spain and hard work on the nylon strings of the flamenco guitar allowed him to accompany singing, dancing, and to compose his first pieces. In 2013 he was awarded the1st prize for musical interpretation Manuel de Falla of the City of Granada. In 2014, he was a finalist in the third Flamenco Guitar competition of the City of Albi and obtained a master’s degree in ethnomusicology at the Sorbonne. He has co-created two albums with classical, jazz and oriental influences, reflecting the depth of his musical background.

Artyom Minasyan

Born in 1979 in Vedi, Armenia, Artyom Minasyan won the first prize in doudoug at the5th Festival of the Republic at the age of 18. He studied at the Komitas National Conservatory of Music and was admitted to the prestigious “Tatul Altunian Singing and Dancing Ensemble”. He moved to France in 2007 and participated in various festivals in Europe, Russia and Mongolia. He has recorded two CDs and plays in the music of the film “Celui qu’on attendait” by Serge Avédikian. He teaches doudoug at the Maison de la Culture Arménienne in Alfortville. He is also a member of the group Papiers d’Arménie.

Les Dimanches à Royaumont

Profitez de votre visite de Royaumont et de ses jardins ou de votre nuit à l’abbaye pour assister, le dimanche, sans supplément de prix, à des spectacles et des rencontres autour de la musique, de l’histoire, de l’architecture de la nature ou de la danse.

Evènements inclus dans le billet d’entrée au monument, dans la limite des places disponibles.
Réservation recommandée

All dates

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Practical information / Ticket office

By phone:
01 30 35 58 00

Réservations exclusivement sur Internet. La billetterie est à votre disposition du lundi au vendredi par téléphone, si vous rencontrez des difficultés avec les réservations en ligne

Tous les dimanches et les jours fériés, profitez des navettes au départ de la gare de Luzarches.

Assurant la liaison avec la gare de Luzarches (ligne H), les navettes permettent de rejoindre l'abbaye en 8 minutes, soit moins d'une heure de trajet depuis la gare du Nord.

La réservation des navettes se fait exclusivement sur internet :

  • Vous pouvez réserver jusqu'au jour de votre venue à 9h, sous réserve de disponibilité.
  • Le nombre de places étant limité, la réservation est recommandée.
  • Une participation de 2€ est demandée