Leïla Ka choreography, interpretation and musical arrangement
Leïla Ka or Anna Tierney interpretation (in alternation)
Laurent Fallot lighting design
How to be yourself? Leïla Ka, a young choreographer with a hip-hop background, explores in her first creation, Pode Ser, the strange sensation of being her own model. She turns the stage into an arena where she fights, fists clenched, with and against her body. The fight is indecisive, made of ruptures, of tugging, of sparks then of spasms when it folds up, turned towards itself, before springing, elbow in front, ready to split again the shade around it. This five-time award-winning solo pays tribute to the renowned choreographers who have helped shape the unique dancer that Leila has become. The title, which means “perhaps” in Portuguese, refers to the title of a piece by Maguy Marin in which she participated, May B. However, everything here is infinitely personal, the choreographer inspecting her multiple and uncertain identities with a clairvoyance that forces admiration.
“To see urgently” according to the Inrockuptibles…
Leïla Ka
*2023 : creation residency for her next piece (female quintet)
Leïla Ka began her career with urban dances that she quickly crossed with other influences. After having worked as a performer, notably for Maguy Marin, where she discovered a danced theatricality that she retained as a possible form of enrichment of her own writing, she launched into the creation of her first piece Pode ser.
In this solo, awarded 5 times internationally and performed more than 140 times since its creation in 2018, she flirts freely with contemporary urban dance and theater to try to illustrate the complexity and difficulty of being. This theme is taken up again and treated on a community scale in a second piece, the duet C’est toi qu’on adore and in a third creation, again a solo, “Se faire la belle”.
Leïla is currently working on a group piece and is an associate artist at the CENTQUATRE- PARIS, at La Garance, scène nationale de Cavaillon, in long term residency at L’espace 1789 and is accompanied by the Tremplin network – support to emerging choreographers – until 2024.
Anna Tierney
French dancer and performer based in Belgium. She trained in contemporary dance and theater. She then joined the Royal Conservatory of Antwerp. In 2021 she started to collaborate with the Viennese choreographer Florentina Holzinger for her piece “A Divine Comedy”, with which she performed on major European stages such as Tanzquartier in Vienna, the Volksbühne in Berlin, DeSingel in Antwerp or the Julidans festival in Amsterdam She starts working with Leïla Ka in September 2022 for the revival of her solo “Pode Ser”, awarded 5 times internationally.
Laurent Fallot
He made his first steps in live performance in 1991 at Onyx. He spent a year at the ISTS and then on different stages and with different companies, including the CCNN, directed by Claude Brumachon and Benjamin Lamarche, for whom he worked on tour for more than 10 years. For 20 years, he has been lighting bodies in movement, offering his vision and technical solutions, he tries to meet the different expectations of the artists who give him their trust. He sharpens his eye and sensitivity with each new collaboration. Light is an eternal discovery and each collaboration a new human and artistic adventure.
Les Dimanches à Royaumont
Profitez de votre visite de Royaumont et de ses jardins ou de votre nuit à l’abbaye pour assister, le dimanche, sans supplément de prix, à des spectacles et des rencontres autour de la musique, de l’histoire, de l’architecture de la nature ou de la danse.
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Production : Compagnie Leïla Ka
Diffusion : Centquatre-Paris
Co-productions and supports : Incubator IADU / La Villette Fondation de France 2017 (Paris) ; Compagnie Dyptik (Saint-Etienne) ; Espace Keraudy – Centre de la culture et des congrès (Plougonvelin) ; La Becquée – Festival de danse contemporaine (Brest) ; Le FLOW – Centre Eurorégional des Cultures Urbaines (Lille) ; Micadanses (Paris) ; Le Théâtre, scène nationale de Saint-Nazaire ; Théâtre Icare (St-Nazaire).
This show is on tour with the Centquatre On The Road
With the support of the Hermès Foundation