
Sound siesta in the gardens of the abbey

Royaumont Festival: artists in the garden


Marc Namblard audio-naturalist

Did Vincent Munier’s documentary La panthère des neiges make an impression on you? You can thank Marc Namblard, who contributed to the sound universe of the film, as he had brought his precious recordings to other productions of the famous wildlife photographer (including Ours, simply wild) or his colleagues.
Tirelessly criss-crossing the world with a microphone in his hand, Marc Namblard has hundreds – even thousands! – hours of recordings, which he distills for cinema, television, radio, exhibitions… This afternoon, it is in the gardens of Royaumont that he settles down to broadcast to dreamy listeners the dry cry of the black woodpecker, the bellowing of the deer, the buzzing of the bees, the stridulations of the crickets or the zinzinulations of the great titmouse
A whole world awaits you at the abbey.


Marc Namblard

* 2018 : Parent-child workshop “The Music of Birds” and concert “La Grande Volière” with Laurent Charles, Michel Doneda, Lionel Garcin, Violaine Gestalder and Alexandra Grimal

After graduating from an art school, Marc Namblard has been living and working as a naturalist guide, audio naturalist and sound artist in Lorraine since the end of 2000. He travels around France to listen and record the sound phenomena of nature: crickets singing, frogs croaking, wind, streams… All his work is marked by a double approach, both naturalist and musical, rational and intuitive. The very high standard of sound writing thus competes in his work with innovation and the rigor of naturalist observation.

* previous collaborations with Royaumont

Les artistes au jardin

Les 3 et 4 juin 2023, la Fondation propose un premier week-end du Festival de Royaumont. C’est également l’occasion de célébrer les 50 ans de l’Association des amis de Royaumont et de profiter des Rendez-vous aux jardins organisés par le ministère de la Culture…

Tarif unique par journée : 10 € (excepté pour la sieste sonore). Gratuité accordée aux Amis de Royaumont. Sur réservation, dans la limite des places disponibles.

All dates

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Practical information / Ticket office

By phone:
01 30 35 58 00

Single rate per day: 10 €.
Free of charge to the Friends of Royaumont.
By reservation, within the limits of available places.


Réservations exclusivement sur Internet. La billetterie est à votre disposition du lundi au vendredi par téléphone, si vous rencontrez des difficultés avec les réservations en ligne