Campus Royaumont: the new vocational training program

Over the past forty years, Royaumont Abbey has become an essential training center for young generations of artists, who come to learn from the greatest masters.
From 2025, professional training will be given a new impetus with the creation of the “Campus Royaumont” for emerging artists in the fields of contemporary dance, vocal music from the Middle Ages to the present day, contemporary musical creation and transcultural music.
This new summer program will focus on the long term, with two three-week sessions, one in July, the other in August.
During each session, 2 to 3 training courses will run in parallel, around specific themes adapted to each discipline and repertoire. They will be supervised byeminent career artists and pedagogues. In all, some one hundred young people will be brought together each summer.
The music training programs will be inspired by Royaumont’s library holdings. Trainees will be introduced to library research. The Royaumont Foundation’s range of instruments will be showcased, including harpsichords, organs and pianos.
One of the special features of the Campus will be to offer a common time for all trainees, with the aim of encouraging interdisciplinary exchanges and reflections linked to the human sciences. Artists will be able to participate freely in musical and/or choreographic improvisation sessions, as well as in workshop-debates on various subjects such as art, interpretation and the place of the artist in society. In order to offer a concrete experience of mediation in the field, the artists will also be able to take part in several preparatory sessions and educational interventions aimed at audiences who don’t go on vacation (hospitals, EHPAD, social centers…). During the sessions, public performances will take place at the abbey and in partner towns, giving participants plenty of opportunity to present the fruits of their labor.
At the end of the Campus, the Royaumont Foundation Laureates will be supported in launching their careers through a series of meetings at the Grange-Fleuret Music Library: meetings with personalities from the music and choreography sectors (artists, opera directors, CCN directors, artists’ agents). Springboard auditions ” will be organized to introduce prizewinning musicians to ensembles, orchestras, choirs and casting directors.
Some of the prizewinners will be programmed as part of the Royaumont Season at the Abbey or at the Grange-Fleuret Music Library. They will also be invited to apply for a tailor-made residency program, enabling them to prepare competition or recital programs, work on research projects in libraries, and produce audio and video recordings.
Attend the Campus Royaumont 2025 presentation
Join us for our webinar Monday, November 4, 2024 at 2 p.m. to learn more about the Royaumont Campus 2025 program
Places limited to 100 people.
July 15 to August 3, 2025
Le Laboratoire chorégraphique #4

By Alban Richard, Clément Lebrun, Laure Guilbert, Nathalie Schulmann, Florentine Lamarche – Ovize, Marin Fouqué, Elisabeth Taudière, Erwan Keravec
For 16 choreographers, composers, artists from the performance field
Scenic unity: Dido and Aeneas by Henry Purcell

By Louis-Noël Bestion de Camboulas, Pierre Lebon, Iris Florentini, Juliette Guignard
For 7 singers
July 15 to August 3, 2025
Scenic unit: Dialogues des Carmélites by Francis Poulenc

By Patrice Caurier, Moshe Leiser, Martin Surot, Jean-Paul Pruna
For 8 singers
August 8 to 22, 2025
Académie Voix Nouvelles: polyphony, composition, improvisation, poetry

By Frédéric Durieux, George Lewis, Raquel Camarinha, Juliet Fraser, Irène Gayraud, Yoan Héreau, Elaine Mitchener, ensembles Aedes, Orbis, Neue Vocalsolisten Stuttgart, Mathieu Romano, Gregory Vajda
For 10 composers, 12 singers, 6 conductors
August 11 to 22, 2025
Academy of transcultural music

By Théo Ceccaldi
For 10 instrumentalists and/or improvisers and/or singers and/or composers/composers
Our key figures for 2023

Source: Kimso study Assessing the social impact of training programs.