Fauré Chausson
Stéphane Degout baritone, Alain Planès pianist, Jean-Marc Phillips violonist – Wanderer Trio, Denis Herlin musicologist
Stéphane Degout baritone
A graduate of the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Lyon and member of the Atelier Lyrique de l’Opéra de Lyon, Stéphane Degout quickly came to international attention in his debut as Papageno at the Festival d’Aix-en-Provence.
His natural affiliation with Debussy’s Pelléas has proven him to be one of the leading interpreters of this role.
As a recitalist, Stéphane Degout is renowned for his highly sensitive interpretations of French melody and German Lieder. He has worked a lot on this under the guidance of Ruben Lifschitz and has toured internationally in Amsterdam, Paris, London, Berlin, Brussels and New York. . In 2012, he was appointed ‘Chevalier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres’; a prestigious award which recognises “significant contribution to the enrichment of French cultural heritage”.
Alain Planès pianist
Alain Planès discovered the piano at five, first played with orchestra three years later, and set off for the United States after the Paris Conservatoire in search of another way of making music: with Pressler, Sebök, Primrose and Starker, whose regular concert partner Alain Planès long remained in the USA and Europe.
Soloist, chambrist, accompanist, teacher – every aspect of his art arouses his interest. Moreover, he had the opportunity of discovering the entire classical and contemporary repertoire by playing it through on two pianos with François Michel, a friend of Stravinsky’s, in whose home Michel had mingled with the great intellectual figures of the time such as Malraux, Deleuze, Cassandre, and later Miró.
His in-depth work with such eminent composers as Boulez, Stockhausen, Ligeti and Berio set the final seal on the eclecticism of his playing, and prompted the foremost music festivals to seek out his presence. These include La Roque-d’Anthéron, Montreux, Aix-en-Provence, and the prestigious Marlboro Festival where he has appeared for many years now, faithful to his exceptionally close association with Rudolf Serkin.
- 5 singers
- 5 pianist
- 1 quatuor
This performance workshop will bring two friends together at Royaumont: those masters of French chamber music and chanson Gabriel Fauré (1845-1942) and Ernest Chausson (1855-1899). Although they were not close in age, and each chose his own aesthetic path and techniques, these two artists – poets indeed – both played an imporant part in the emergence of a profound and challenging musical landscape coloured by symbolism. These training sessions will provide both a practical and a musicological approach for young singers and instrumentalists to discover more about the artistic circles in which ideas were shared and this new movement blossomed, full of delicate nuances, exotic imagery and elegant timbres.
Designed for 5 singers and 5 instrumentalists, this training session will be run by Stéphane Degout and Alain Planès, both of whom have worked with us at Royaumont for many years, on residencies, training sessions and research.
In this performance workshop we will be exploiting the resources of the Royaumont Library (manuscripts, rare or annotated editions, archives and other documents). It is part of the Fondation Royaumont’s partnership with IreMus.
Selection via application
End of application
October 3rd 2021
14th december 2021 in Paris
18th to 23rd july 2022
6 days – 42 training hours
Public presentation
The 23rd of july 2022

La Fondation Bettencourt Schueller est le mécène principal du Pôle Voix et répertoire de la Fondation Royaumont.